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To book your hunt email or call outfitter Brad Viren.



Booking you hunt...

Booking a hunt with Badger Creek Outfitters is made as simple as we can possibly make it. Once you have agreed to come hunt with us we will email you an online invoice which you can pay with credit card, debit, paypal, etc. We realize that not everyone is made of money so we have set up a fee schedule to offer some flexibility for our clients so they do not need the entire 50% deposit up front to book their hunt. 

To reserve your hunt a 25% deposit of the total hunt fee is due within 7  days of reserving your hunt. If the deposit is not paid during this period the hunt will become available once again to any client who wishes to hunt. 

Deer and Antelope

If booking during the calendar year  of your hunt another 25% is due in March 1st of that year. If you have booked a hunt prior to the current calendar year the 2nd 25% deposit is due in March of the hunt year. 

License application fees are due May 1st.

Bull Elk

The application period in Wyoming for Bull Elk January 1-31 of the current calendar year. License application fees are due on January 1st to ensure that the clients application is submitted prior to the deadline. Draw results are released during the 3rd week of February. If the license has been successfully drawn another 25% deposit is due March 1st.


The remainder of a hunters fees are due August 15th of the hunt year as we begin archery hunting Antelope at this time. It gets very busy during the season for the outfitter and his guides so it is requested that fees be paid in full at this time to allow us to concentrate fully on our clients in the field.